There are many Nonprofit organizations globally that are working tirelessly and committedly to fulfill a particular social cause. To further improve their charitable services, promote themselves and expand their reach, the medium of mobile messaging can act as a stepping stone for improved communications and promotional activities. As nonprofit organizations are not profit driven, it becomes obvious that text messaging as their promotional tool can be highly beneficial for them, as it is cost-effective.
With the proper use of mobile messaging, nonprofit organizations can send texts to targeted fundraisers, asking for donations. In some scenarios, there might be an immediate need for a huge number of volunteers, and so the concerned internal staff can send bulk SMS to people who might be interested to work as volunteers. Texts can also be send to those donors who have shown interest in charitable causes, and hence ask them for donations for an immediate cause that need to be addressed.
Charitable organizations not only want to stay connected with their members, but also want to stay in touch with other communities who have similar interests. This requires an effective communication tool, which can be used time and again without any hassle whatsoever. Hence mobile messaging being an effective and secure tool for communication, can be easily used by these charitable organizations.
How Mobile messaging can aid nonprofit organizations?
1. Raising funds: Any charitable organization would be really happy if donors come forward and donate for their charitable causes. Text-to-give campaign is a kind of mobile messaging tactic, wherein bulk SMS is sent solely for the purpose of raising funds. For example, if you’re interested to donate $50 you can text “amount (50$), your name, organization name (name of the nonprofit organization to whom you are donating)” and then send it to 44555.
2. Conducting Surveys: There are many nonprofit organizations who work for different social causes. In some instances, an organization would be more interested to first get the opinion from the citizens by conducting a survey. For example, your organization’s core domain is to fight against child labor and bring these children out of the pathetic conditions they are working in.You might want to conduct a survey to know as to how many people support your cause. For example, you can text “Text ‘Save a child’ to 55999” to take part in the survey about eradicating child labor.
3. Conducting Events: Nonprofit organizations can send messages to their respective donors about an upcoming event. This event can also act as a platform, wherein all the donors can come under one roof and socialize. This type of events can further help in conducting even more events with a bigger audience.
4. Send “Thank you” texts: Nonprofit organizations who have received the donation from donors, should take the initiative to send them a complimentary message by thanking them for their worthwhile contribution. This will not only make the donors feel better, but at the same time also helps the organization to strengthen their relationship.
5. Invite Like-minded individuals: You can invite individuals to support your cause, by sending them keyword and a short code .You can also include the social cause for which your organization is actively working for. In this manner, you can grow your list of individuals (subscribers) who are interested to work for you.
Donors, sponsors, members, employees and volunteers who are connected with a particular charitable organization can always stay updated on upcoming events and activities through the effective utilization of mobile messaging. This in turn will improve the overall effectiveness of the organization.